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martes, 5 de julio de 2016


Unicorn road (portsmouth)

OOPS, i went abroad and didnt't upload a single post, silly me!
i would have to make it up for you, is that alright?
I have a lot of fresh new ideas to post, are you excited? 
if you're not suscribed to my blog do it and never miss a thing! 

SNAPCHAT: Naomivdwoodsen

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

note to self: use a decent camara

 This is my classmate, Leti, and i really like her outfit that day so tried to take a  photo with my phone. Awful quality, i'm sorry.
Ella es Leti, mi compañera de estudios, no es una foto muy buena, el outfit me encantó.
This is me, didn't have time to take a decent pic, that necklace is so special because you can change its shape, and mu blouse is actually a skirt, 
Aquí estoy yo, el collar es moldeable y me encanta, la bluse es en realidad una falda a la que le añadí unos tirantes.

I´ve got a lot to show you, keep visiting, muah!
Tengo cosas nuevas que enseñaros, seguid atentos!